The Importance of Investing in Yourself as an Artist


As an Artist and Change Maker, you are your most important resource. In order to do the big work of creating a future where we all can thrive, our own personal and professional development need to be at the forefront of all we do.

Investing in yourself can look like a lot of different things: taking time to learn necessary skills—whether that is in facilitation, public speaking, or collaboration—or committing to regular artmaking and self-care practices. It can also mean using your time and financial resources to pay for coaching and mentoring.

I started paying for coaching a couple of years ago and it has paid off in spades. It took me a long time to invest in myself in this way, partly because I couldn’t find somebody who knew how to do what I wanted to do. I had to figure it out for myself over many years. My coaching today looks different than what I needed earlier in my career. I am already an expert in collaborative art and my coach is not an artist herself. 

When I carve out time and money for a mentor, the result is that I put way more time and energy in then I would otherwise, and I grow much faster than I would on my own. My coach helps me to cut through all sorts of obstacles that I would otherwise spend hours upon hours on. She coaches holistically, so her coaching focuses on both my personal life and business.

In fact, a few weeks ago I got scared that to succeed with my booming art business I would have to push my child away. I became anxious and unproductive. 

My coach helped me to connect with that fear so that I could see clearly how I was letting fear paralyze me. It was stopping me not only from being a productive artist, but from being present as a mom. She helped me to realize this fear was getting in the way of everything. She gave me empathy and understanding—and homework. My task was to write about how I could succeed with my thriving business and feel like a good mom at the same time.

I did that writing, and even though I didn’t come up with one grand solution, I came up with a list of things that might help. More importantly, talking with my coach and writing about my fear put it all in perspective. She helped me to remember Why I do this work: to show Seren what it looks like to stand up for what I believe in and follow my bliss at the same time. She helped me to see that the two are not mutually exclusive. This is what I really got out of this work: I chose to Trust that it doesn’t have to be either/or—that I can be both a successful artist and a damn good mom. (See more on this in my recent article Can You Be a Successful Artist and a Mom?)

The results? I once again became focused and productive in my work. Moreso, I am able to be fully present when I am with Seren and that is huge. We are having such a fantastic time together!  

Just a couple days after I did that writing, I was offered a consulting job with my city to create an artful engagement around their climate risk and vulnerability assessment. It had a short turnaround. I found that instead of adding to my trepidation about work, I was excited about it. It is in process as I write.

In addition to helping me understand myself, my motivations, and my blocks, my coach knows so much more than I do about how to run a business. When I am struggling with something, she will often simply lay out an entire plan of action. And just like that something that would’ve taken the hours and hours is done in 20 minutes. It is incredible!

If you really want to make change in the world, you must invest in yourself. Start a daily self-care practice. Put time on your schedule to make art. Take a business or facilitation or leadership or anti-racism course. If you’re ready to take big action, work with a coach or mentor who knows how to do what you want to do. This is the fastest way to see improvement in yourself and your practice. 

I am opening just two spots in my 6-month Art in Action Mentorship Program, with a start date of June or July. This is for Artists and Change Makers who ready to take action and want to get their project out in the world by the end of the year. If this is you, let’s hop on a call! Here is a link to get on my calendar for a free Into Action Discovery Session

Are you ready to take the next step and get one on one mentorship to create your own Art in Action Project? Schedule your free Into Action Discovery Session now.



Love Notes to GRuB


Starting Where You Are: Don’t Worry About the Size of Your First Art Project